Olde Curiosity Shoppe Tutorial Pt 2

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This is part 2 of the Olde Curiosity Shoppe Scrapbook Tutorial.  In the first video, which was my audition for Graphic 45, I showed how to construct the cover for the scrapbook. In this video I will show you how to make the pages that go inside.
Below you will find a Cut List with all of the measurements.

 photo Untitled_zps3d5pbb4k.png
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Link to the first tutorial Graphic 45 2019 Brand Ambassador Audition on YouTube.

** Remember to double check your measurements before adhering pieces together**

Measurements are listed Width first (across) then Length (up & down)

Inside flap pocket right side-cardstock or designer paper
1- 2 3/4 in x 11 in
1- 1 in x 11 1/8 in score @1/2 in lengthwise
2-  1 1/4 in x 2 3/4 in score @ 1/2, 5/8, 3/4 lengthwise
1 piece of acetate transparency 2 3/4 in x 11

Flip ups/flaps for under the pocket
2- 4 in x 4 1/2 in score @ 1/2 in across

Pages on the right side
1- 8 1/2 in x 10 5/8 in score @ 4 1/4 in lengthwise
1- 11 in x 10 5/8 in  score @ 5 1/2 in lengthwise
1- 1 1/2 in x 10 5/8 score @ 3/4 in lengthwise --hinge to connect pages together

2- 1 1/4 in x 10 5/8 in score @ 1/2, 3/4 --hinge for spine, one for left side and one for the right side

Pages on the left side
1- 10 in x 10 5/8 in score @ 6 in lengthwise

Middle Top
1- 7 1/2 in x 9 1/2 in score across @ 1/2, 5
2- 5 1/2 in x 4 3/8 in score @ 1/2 lengthwise

Middle bottom
2- 4 in x 12 in score @ 4, 8 across

Left side flap -file folder pages
1- 3 in x 11 in
1- 6 1/4 in x 11 score @ 3 3/4  from tab side lengthwise
1- 7 3/4 in x 11 score @ 3 3/4  from straight side (the side without the tab)
1- 1 1/2 in x 11 score @ 3/4 lengthwise --this is the hinge to hold the pages together

To make the tabs on the file folder pages using the Envelope Punch Board
3 in wide piece --start with the upper right corner at the center of the notch punch and punch, move the top edge down to 2 1/2 in. and punch
6 1/4 in piece-- start with the upper right corner at the 2 1/2 in mark and punch, then move the edge down to the 5 in mark and punch.
7 3/4 in piece --start with the upper right corner at the 5 in mark and punch, the move the edge down to 7 1/2 in and punch. * you will have to use a ruler for the 7 1/2 measurement


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